Plants that changed the world
Prehistory: flowering plants
- arrived about 130 million years ago
- became an essential source of 1…………….
2737 BC: tea
- discovered in China, played a key role in USA, China & UK
- led to financial problems in Britain – a Chinese ruler insisted all tea was paid for with 2…………. , which had to be sourced from other countries
202 BC: White Mulberry
- in demand from 202 BC when it was essential in the production of 3…………….
- trade routes led to the spread of different 4………….. but also made more people ill and encouraged the exchange of dangerous products (e.g. 5……………)
16th century: the potato
- originated in Central and South America, brought to Europe by the 6………….
- it was rapidly accepted because it was cheap and contained lots of 7………….
- helped prevent one specific 8………….
- 1845-1849-large-scale failure of potato crops led to a million deaths in Ireland and the 9…………. of another million people