2/ Persuading and suggesting

In Listening Sections 1 and 3, in order to reach a decision, you will hear the speakers make suggestions, agree, disagree or try to persuade each other.


2.1  Look at the Listening Section 3 task below. Before you listen, complete these tasks.
1 Try to think of a synonym or paraphrase for the underlined words/phrases.
2 Read through decisions A-F in the box several times so that you are familiar with the different options to choose from.
3 Decide whether you will hear the decisions or the presentation sections in order.


2.2  Listen and complete the task.

Questions 1-4
What do the students decide to do with the different sections of their project?
Write the correct letter, (A-F), next to questions 1-4 below.
Presentation Sections
1    Introduction
2    Advantages
3    Disadvantages
4    Conclusion


A reduce the length
B change the method of presentation
C write some more
D make it more interesting
E check the sources are reliable
F make sure they have current data


2.3  Check your answers and then listen again. Which synonyms of the underlined words/phrases are used?


2.4  Look at Recording script 25 and find phrases which are used to do the things below.
  • make a suggestion
  • agree with an idea
  • disagree