1/ Identifying attitudes and opinions

In Listening Sections 1 and 3, the speakers are often trying to make a decision or reach an agreement. Identifying the speakers’ opinions can help you to answer the questions correctly.


1.1  Listen to eight extracts. What does each speaker show?
a strong agreement
b neither complete agreement nor complete disagreement
c complete disagreement


1.2  Listen again and complete the extracts.
1 Well, I …………………………………………………….. .
2 I think that’s a ……………………………………… .
3 Well, I’m ………………… about that.
4 I think you’re ……………………………. .
5 Hmm, that’s a bit …………………………. .
6 I think that’s ……………………………. .
7 That seems ………………………. to me.
8 I have to admit I don’t like the …………………………. .


1.3  In Listening Sections 3 and 4, you may be asked to identify a speaker’s attitude. Match words 1-7 with synonyms a-g.  
1 worried
2 enthusiastic
3 afraid
4 confused
5 irritated
6 reluctant
7 doubtful
a dubious
b hesitant
c annoyed
d concerned
e scared
f puzzled
g eager


1.4  Listen to an extract from a Listening Section 3 task. What aspect of the research did the students find surprising? Choose the correct answer (A, B or C).  
A The amount of time it took to achieve results.
B The reaction of the public to the research.
C The findings that the research produced.


1.5  Listen again and write down all the words/phrases the speakers use to mean ‘surprising’ or ‘unsurprising’.