1/ Understanding mechanical parts

For diagram completion tasks, you may need to listen and label the parts of a machine or device.


1.1  Look at the images below. What machine parts can you see?
















1.2  Listen to extracts A-F from different talks. Match them to pictures 1-6 and check your answers to 1.1.

At the bottom of the system there is a storage tank…
The water in the pool was becoming quite polluted so a pump…
A small spring in the centre causes the toy…
There is a very fine grille at different points…
The water passes through the pipe and…
There is a wheel on the side, which is attached to…


1.3 Look at the diagram completion task below.
1 Look at options A-F. How many extra answers are there?
2 Look carefully at the device. Think about how it might work.
3 Decide which verbs in the box you might hear.
spin turn pop hold wind generate wrap pull
explode push rotate hit drag activate force


1.4  Listen and complete the diagram.


A cooling fan
B storage
C detonator
D party starter
E motor
F winder
Questions 1-4
Write the correct letter, (A-F), next to questions 1-4 below.



1.5  Which were the distractors? Listen again and decide why these answers were wrong.


1.6  Which verbs from the box in 1.3 did you hear?